Access to Full Film Marie Antoinette is a great film directed by Sofia Coppola about a young Austrian women who ends up becoming the queen of France by marrying a French Dauphin. Throughout the movie, there are many elements that Sofia Coppola used to create such an appealing film. I believe that throughout the film, there are a few messages that Coppola is trying to get across, such as accepting the life that is given to you, the impact of your decisions on other people, and enjoying the life you have. First, I believe that the message of accepting the life that is given to you is expressed through the beginning of the film when young Marie is sent off to France with no choice yet she seems to be unbothered by it all and just accepts the fate that her family chose for her. Second, I believe that the ending of the movie gives the message that you should think about the impact your decisions are making on other people. For example, if the queen were to not s...